
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Summer 2014 Wrap-Up Video

Hello All!!! I've been spending so much time on my FaceBook page I see I inadvertently neglected my blog. I promise posts will be more frequent. I just wrapped up my Summer Workshop schedule! The workshops were such a success and I enjoyed teaching every single one and enjoyed meeting many of you! Many of you have requested my Fall Workshop schedule which I hope to make available in the next couple of weeks.  My heart is just so full from all the excitement around here this Summer and for what's to come. I thought I'd just sum it all up in this video. Please watch this and stay tuned. I plan to have more blog posts, free instructional videos, workshops etc!
Also, please stop in to visit my FB page for to keep in touch! Take Care ~Gentleman Jim

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How My Student Found a Love for Sewing Women's Coats-Photos + Videos

With my 3 Day Tailored Coats (Outerwear) Workshop just 2 days away I thought it would be fitting to introduce you to one of my sewing students, Feben who wanted to share her story of what has led her to an obsession of coat sewing. Feben and her family recently move to NC and I miss her dearly. She's one of those rare talents who has an exceptional eye for color and form and know how to marry the two into a unique garment. Well allow me to share a video of her telling you about her experience of sewing and being at my studio. Enjoy!!!

 (Here's Feben modeling her custom created coat)

(Here's another one of her works of art!!!)