
Friday, August 2, 2013

The Product No Waistband should be Without!

(Unrolling a strip of Ban-Roll in my studio)

One of the best waistband stabilizers on the market is a product called Ban-Roll.  It serves as an interlining that is a slightly rigid, canvas-like material used to prevent waistbands from curling or rolling over. It's a definite tailor supply and can be purchased from most tailor specialy/supply stores. It comes in various widths which is perfect for male or female pants. And for convenience and value can be purchased in a 50 yard role (pictured here). If you've never tried Ban-Roll I encourage you to give it a try. You won't be disappointed with the professional result it yields!!!


  1. I found you by way of Victoria's blog. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I usually just use interfacing in my waistbands and I do find that over a period of time the bands start rolling. I have access to a tailor supply shop in Philadelphia, I will have to ask them about Ban-Roll.

  2. I'm going to the fashion district in my city next week and I will look for this item. Thank you!

  3. I just checked and has Ban-Roll in stock in various widths:

    I'm so glad to have found your blog! I started doing alterations about six months ago and I've found it difficult to find good instructional materials (books, videos) that focus on this. I'm so glad to have found you through Victoria's blog and I know I'll learn a lot!

    Question: is Ban-roll good for skirt waistbands as well? I like to have wider (2") contoured waistbands in my skirts, but I don't like that the waistband will start to roll over the course of the day.

