
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Anytime, Anytime, Anytime....and a BIG Move!!!

Greeting all!!!! So sorry I've been missing in action for a while. Actually I've been having a little fun over at my Facebook Page---Gentleman Jim, for those of you who don't know and my Instagram page @ GentlemanJim_ (yes the underscore is part of my handle). But I never like to leave my blog unattended. I've got lots of things going on right now. Two things to be exact!!! For this quarter instead of doing scheduled workshops I'm opening up my studio space to your personal needs.
 I'm offering private lessons from Oct 20-Dec 20th!!! You pick your dates and topics you want to cover!!!
That's right you can schedule lessons with me anytime from Oct 20-Dec 20th (excluding Black out dates Oct 27-Nov 3rd & Nov 24-30th). That's right! Anytime, Anytime, Anytime!!! You can come for 1 days, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks---you decide!
I'm doing this based on demand. Many of you have requested having a little more flexibility so I'm giving it to you. I'm even extending it at the group rate which is usually $565 for 3 days.  We'll resume with scheduled workshops & private lessons next year. But for now, you let me know when you want to come, how long and what you want to study. Remember Anytime, Anytime, Anytime!!! Just shoot me an email if you want to discuss the possibility of scheduling private lessons with me.

Also, I have some other really great changes going on. I'm MOVING!!!! Actually by the time you read this I would've almost completed that task. I'm moving out of my wonderful 1600sq ft space to an even better 2000+ sq ft space. More details on that to come. But here are a few pics of the place as it's coming together...
 (Excited to have more space and in a commercial building!!!)

(ready to move the industrial sewing machines, cutting tables, iron boards etc!!!)

That's all for now. Stay tuned to my blog and Facebook page. I've bot a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming soon and I can't wait to share it with you all. Take Care!!!
~Gentleman Jim


  1. Congratulations on your move to a larger facility! I would love to come and train under you tutelage but time and money are tight right now. I am keeping up with your blog and on FB. I appreciate your posts. Your teachings are so valuable.

  2. God's continued blessings and congratulations on your new space!

  3. Cool, your new space looks awesome!
